Volume I, HUMANITY, was published in 2018 as an introduction to the series. It  considers the geographical and consequent ecological environment with which the post-glacial British created a human landscape. A landscape that quickly  manifested the wealth of the few and the dispossession of the many. This evolutionary social process is described in an  illustrative way in order to enable an understanding of contemporary landscapes, not only by geographers, ecologists and politicians, but also by the ordinary folk who want to interpret the human landscape of which they are a living part. Without additional material, the book enables anyone with an understanding of basic biology and geography to be a social ecologist.

HUMANITY makes a useful foundation text book covering  basic ecology.

Copies available from Parker Street Publications by contacting NICK ASHTON-JONES

Following the publication of Volume III, a second edition is planned, which will correct some of the layout errors in the first.